Monday, July 27, 2009

Quitting Time?

"Drove back to town this morning, with working on my mind. I thought of maybe quitting, thought of leaving it behind."

- The Tragically Hip, "Bobcaygeon"

Once again, I'm in a creative funk. Call it being out of gas, call it writer's block, but once again, I've got nothing. Apart from my ongoing financial train wreck, my life's pretty good right now. But I have been unable to write very much, and what I have written is unspeakably bad. So now, as I think about writing, I wonder, is it time to quit?

I'm not sure which is worse, being unable to write, or being unable to write anything that doesn't suck. Some days, I feel as if I was put on this Earth to write. Yet 95% of what I write is terrible. Am I supposed to just be a crappy writer? That has little appeal for me. Other days, like today, I feel like it's all a joke. I'm not a writer, I'm just some hack pretending to be one.

Man, I can't even get this blog post to make any sense.

Maybe I write for the wrong reasons. Maybe I'm just looking for approval from people. Maybe the writing isn't as important to me as the idea of "being a writer". Maybe that's just how I like to define myself, or present myself to the world. "Oooh, look at me, I'm a writer!" I don't know. Today, though, I feel like a fraud. I'm like the Wizard of Oz, an old charlatan who hides behind an illusion.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! I am the great and powerful Oz!

So, should I quit writing? Is it quitting time, time to put down the pen for good? I don't know. Maybe I'll just put writing aside for a while and see how I feel later. Maybe I shouldn't decide once and for all right now. All I can say is that thinking about this makes me depressed, but that's what I do. I depress myself. I am the heart of my darkness.

"The sky was dull, and hypothetical, and falling one cloud at a time..."


Marylin Houle said...


Jodie said...

In my experience creativity ebbs and flows and changes over time. So today I didn't write or make anything of value, but I don't know what will happen tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. And I think that's kind of exciting...sometimes, other times, yeah it sucks! lol